National honor! PEPDOO Research Center was awarded the "National Intellectual Property Advantage Enterprise in 2023"!

Recently, the State Intellectual Property Office issued the "Announcement on the Assessment Results of National Intellectual Property Advantage Enterprises and Demonstration Enterprises in 2023", and PEPDOO Scientific Research Center was awarded the honorary title of "National Intellectual Property Advantage Enterprise in 2023".



"National Intellectual Property Advantage Enterprise" is one of the highest honors in the field of intellectual property management in my country. Compared with the application of provincial-level intellectual property advantage enterprises, national-level requirements for applying enterprises are more stringent. This award is not only the State Intellectual Property Office's recognition of pepdoo's scientific research achievements in the field of microbial fermentation, but also an important milestone for pepdoo to move from a "provincial-level" intellectual property advantageous enterprise to a "national-level". Finally, pepdoo received another “national level” honorary card! pepdoo is committed to developing into a globally competitive technologically innovative biotechnology enterprise and leading the development of China's active peptide industry. Over the years, pepdoo has focused on bioactive peptide product development and technical research in the field of bioactive peptides. With its outstanding scientific research and innovation capabilities and emphasis on intellectual property rights, pepdoo has obtained 100+ patented technologies, has 100+ functional peptide raw material reserve plans, and has an annual output of 6,000 tons of active peptides. In addition to the "National High-tech Enterprise", pepdoo has also won many honors such as "Specialized and Special New Enterprise", "Leading Enterprise in Xiamen's Marine Emerging Industries", "Leading Enterprise of Fujian Science and Technology Little Giant", etc.


At the same time, as a pioneer and demonstrator in the industrialization and standardization of active peptides, pepdoo gives full play to its advantages and actively participates in the formulation of multiple industry standards and group standards. Up to now, pepdoo has been the drafting unit of the "Ginseng Peptide" industry standard, as well as the drafting unit of the two group standards of "Marine Animal Peptide" and "Plant Peptide", actively promoting the high-quality and standardized development of the active peptide industry.

In the future, pepdoo will continue to increase its investment in innovation in intellectual property, carry out patent navigation and intellectual property layout, keep a close eye on the technological frontiers of domestic and foreign industries, increase technology research and development, combine industry development trends and corporate development plans, and strengthen the production of active peptide raw materials. Research on core manufacturing processes and key technologies, sow more "patented golden peptides" that bring great health benefits, become a competitive intellectual property company, and contribute to building a strong intellectual property country.